Looking for both diegetic music and non-diegetic music for your production? Not sure about the definition of diegetic music? We're here to get you up to speed!

10 Jun 2024

Diegetic music, or source music, plays from within the world of your narrative. It is heard by the characters in the story, or sometimes it’s even played by them.

An excellent example of diegetic music is this video from Better Call Saul, which uses our track “A Relaxing Interlude.” The character hears the hold music coming from his phone.

Non-diegetic music, sometimes referred to as complementary sound, is any music that is heard only by the audience, not by the characters in the narrative. So, any tension underscores, music for end credits in a movie, foley sound effects, and much more would be examples of non-diegetic music.

Both diegetic and non-diegetic sounds are essential to any TV or film production. Luckily, our entire music catalogue is perfect for both—and we can help you easily acquire a license for either.

Looking to get started finding the best diegetic sounds for your production? Contact us today!


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